Monday, January 2, 2012

Are we there yet?

   I am flying back to Philly on Wednesday (way too soon in my humble opinion). When I left Philly for my vacation, there was a sense of sadness, that I would miss my new city, and all that I could do there while I wasn’t laboring in class. However, after a great vacation with my family and friends, I have grown to regret my return to the big city.  I have yet to allow myself the indulgence of making a list of things I miss about NC, so I will not go there now (it’s too hard and honestly puts me into a depression), make no mistake- my heart remains in the south. Now, don’t get me wrong- I have realized a couple of things I do not miss about the south, that I will allow myself to list:
1) Traffic. Actually, I should be more specific by saying- driving behind tractors, logging trucks, hay trailers, or just Morgantonians who just refuse to drive the speed limit.  Dear drivers- if the speed limit is 45, there is no reason you should ever be driving 25! The traffic I sat in, on Enola Rd, rivaled that of a big city. I also realized that when you don’t drive for 4 months, your road rage does not dissipate… in fact, it may have exponentially increased.
2) Pounds. I do not miss those extra pounds that somehow just appear on my body after spending time at home.  Ok, I have an idea on how those pounds materialize - it probably had something to do with home cooking, Shoney’s buffet, the new Cook Out (yes, Morganton got a Cook Out during my stay), and the endless supply of Little Debbie Cakes that my mom keeps in the house (bless her). I am looking forward to getting back to my healthy eating, and walking at least 4 miles a day….. although laying on the couch does feel oh so right.
3) Questions. When I am in Philly, in the world of academia, people ask, “What are you going to do once you graduate?” They may expect an answer, but they don’t expect for you to come out with a perfected plan.  In the south, when you come home from living in Philly, or was it Pittsburgh, wait where are your after all-  you are expected to know what you are doing, when you are doing it, and where that will lead you (and that better be- back to NC). Not to mention, the concept of a Nurse Practitioner is still one that escapes most people (but that is NOT just a southern thing).  I guess, coming home just reminds me that I should be getting my life together, and making a plan….. but in grad school, I live week to week, and my final destination is still a year away (at the very earliest).  
    It’s kind of funny how I can think of three main things that I do not like about the south, but if I allowed myself to list the things I miss- it would be pages and pages. No matter what, like my mom said, I am right where I am supposed to be (in Philly). There is a lot of sadness and anxiety about returning to the city, but it is something I have to do. I am sure once I am up there and back into my routine, I will be fine. I feel like I have worked so hard to get here and yet I still have an entire year left…. which makes me ask, in true holiday spirit- are we there yet? Am I there yet? Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding- No. Actually, since I’m back in NC, the answer is- heck No!
    Nevertheless, my goal for 2012 (which is the year I graduate, oh yeah) is to enjoy where I am- in geography and my life in general. I want to enjoy my life for what it is, without stressing over what it is not. You know, I compare my graduate school journey to a hike on the Appalachian Trail. I got to hike a small section of the AT, in Virginia, during my vacation and definitely fell more in love with the trail and hiking in general. Anyway, I see my vacation as a month of zero days (days when you take a break from the trail to not hike at all, relax, refuel, and restore yourself). So now, it is time to get back on the trail. On the AT, I pushed myself physically and mentally to do things I wasn’t sure I could accomplish, but I did it, and the view from the summit was incredible. So, it is time for me to start walking again, move forward, climb higher, and enjoy the journey.
Can’t wait to see you, and the south again.  Until then…..

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